Soooo.....Travis and I found our first piece of furniture! A terrific couple from our church in Fort Worth is selling an entertainment center. Sadly this very wonderful couple is moving to Mississippi. We will miss them, but are pumped about adding this furniture to our little collection. Thanks Matt and Liz!!
The wedding planning is going wonderfully. Yesterday we met with a reception venue that we all really liked. That was a huge relief off our shoulders! Still haven't made the final decision, but it's headed in that direction for sure. Following that meeting, we met with the florist. That was helpful to really picture the whole event. yeahhhh! It's coming together.
Classes start back up on Tuesday. Last semester! Holla. will be a very busy semester. Classes, work, and wedding planning. By God's grace it will go smoothly! Trying to juggle all these things could get nuts. I have faith that it will work out.
We are looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us next! The planning is going wonderfully! Keep us in your prayers!
Until next time,