Today was a tiring day, but it also brought about great things. We are practicing saving our money, and trying to sell Travis' 1990 Toyota Camry which has not been running since before the wedding in June. Today someone bought it! Thankfully, that gave us a little bit more cash in our pockets! I don't know why I am always astonished by God's faithfulness in our lives. Every time I begin to fear the unknown of life, He pulls me back in and shows me time and time again that He is my creator and He has chosen me to be his daughter. He loves me. He wants the best for Travis and I. We feel the love. :)

I have exciting news! I dyed my hairs! I decided to venture back into the natural roots of RED! I am loving it! I forgot how much fun redheads really do have! Very happy with my decision. I should also end up saying money in the long run too....not having to keep up with my blonde highlights. yay!
Travis and I are looking forward to going on Fall conference with
RUF in about a week. We know it will be a ton of fun. It's always amazing to join with the other RUFs around the state to worship our God together. I am also looking forward to getting to know some of our new RUF members too!
I made this one last Christmas. CUTE! :) |
To add more to my busy schedule, I am thinking about starting an Etsy shop for my ribbon wreaths. I have always wanted to start a shop on Esty...and I think soon would be a good time. Also another way to make a little cash on the side. Any thoughts on this? Would you be interested in purchasing a ribbon wreath? I was thinking I could make all different colors for the different holidays year round. Different materials would be an option too. Such as fabric and yarn. Let me know what you think? I would love some input.
It's starting to cool down here in Tyler. Praise the Lord! Now if we can just get some more rain! Keep crossing your fingers!!
Until then,