Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Song of Solomon 1:5-17 - Just An Old Fashioned Love Song - NT Presbytery - Rev. Ricky Jones

 I was encouraged by a woman in my church to look this up. I am glad I did!  So amazing, the love Christ has for sinners, who I am the chief.
I encourage you to listen too. 

Song of Solomon 1:5-17 - Just An Old Fashioned Love Song - NT Presbytery - Rev. Ricky Jones

Monday, May 16, 2011

I Finally Graduated!

Well Folks,
You may now call me a college graduate. I did it...with the help of many others. But I did indeed walked up a set of stairs, heard my named read over the speakers, walked across stage, took my "diploma"(real one is coming in the mail I think...I hope!), shook some hands and walked down a set of stairs...and sat down in my respectable assigned seat, watched my fellow classmates go through the same process, and turned my tassel to the victory side. I was number 25...AKA...Emma Colleen Miner. It felt wonderful to know that my whole family was there backing me and cheering me on. It was an amazing experience to look at all my professors sitting on the stage...some that I loved, and some that I didn't love as much. It was kinda like an out of body experience. Strange to say the least. I am done with college. I do not have to write paper upon paper anymore, or study for 20 exams a semester. It's done. I must say that this is a miracle, because I in myself could not have done this on my lonesome. It was by the hand of my creator and sustainer. College was no breeze, there were times where I didn't long to return to the books after a fun weekend, or after a good exam grade. There were times where I would have chosen to wake up early the day of an exam to catch my last couple of facts before filling my name in on the scantron. Yet, there is something to be proud of in all this. I did yearn to continue my education and to face a wall of classes that I had to fight to climb and overcome. Many obstacles were placed in my way, but the glory of it all is...that the Lord doesn't give us trials to hard to overcome. He gives us his mercy to help us get through them. That is just what he did for me. Of course there were times of hurt and sorrow and a want to not continue, but how could I not! He brought me this far! I know He will allow me to finish the race! He did it! Not me or all the studying I did. It was all God. I owe my glories to Him. Because without Him, I wouldn't even have had the brilliant idea to go to college! Now I am now as Emma Colleen Miner...Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology. And who knows...maybe Emma Colleen Heim...Master's of Arts in Psychology.  Only God knows the answer to that question.  My mind is blown.

Up next.......


No but for real. The wedding is literally in 40 days...insane. I shall soon be the Mrs. Travis C. Heim. Which is just so amazing! We have waited so long for this day to come to us, and it is almost here. God is continually blessing us!

AND..the best buddy is coming in a matter of days....I can't believe it is already time to pick her up from the airport again! I love her!! We have a weekend of fun times! Bachelorette party and a Bridal shower! So many fun times!

Oh, and Little Travis is in Florida with the rest of the Tyler RUF group. So badly wish I could be there with them, but I have things here to attend to. But I must say I am a bit jealous. It is my prayer for them that they will hear something that they had never heard before, and that God will give them some topics that will stir their hearts and draw them closer to God.  Have fun guys!

Until then,