Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Westminster Wednesdays

A good way of finding answers is by looking them up and discovering them for yourself. I have taken that to heart over the past year with my morning readings of the bible and journal time. I started gaining more knowledge by writing 2 questions and answers of the Larger Catechism from "The Westminister Standards" These questions go back to the root of what being a Christian is really all about. This helpful tool does not replace the bible or is anywhere near it's importance, it is more of just a guide to help bible readers understand just a little bit more and get more of a grasp of what they have read. The questions start out simple, and gradually get more in depth as they continue. So from here on out I will put up 2 questions every Wednesday. These Q&As should cause you to think deeper about your walk with Christ and perhaps give you more of an understanding about who Christ is and what our role as Christians is.

Picture The Westminster Confession is a Reformed confession in the tradition of John Calvin.  It was formulated between 1643 and 1647 by the Westminster Divines.  Their meetings at Westminster Abbey also produced the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.         

Here we go....The first of many "Westminster Wednesdays".

Q. 1. What is the chief and highest end of man?
A. Man's Chief and highest end is to glorify God, and fully to enjoy him forever.

Q. 2. How doth it appear that there is a God?
A. The very light of nature in man, and the works of God, Declare plainly that there is a God; but his Word and Spirit only do sufficiently and effectually reveal him unto men for their salvation.

Monday, June 13, 2011


So much has happened since graduation. I had another AMAZING bridal shower hosted by some very special woman from Fort Worth Presbyterian. Such a sweet time of prayer and fellowship. Loved every minute of it. The napkins had my name on them in green and blue. That gave my heart a hug when I saw them! So so so cute.

I was able to spend some much needed time with my dearest buddy for a couple of weeks. It was great to hang out with her and her family and just chill and not worry about the time! But as soon as I was back the wedding planning was here to greet me. I then dove in.

Travis and I, along with the gracious helping hands of my folks, moved all our belongings into our little one bedroom apartment, which is adorbs by the way! It is so funny because when we got engaged we literally had like no furniture, but slowly and surely we ended up getting everything we need. Couch, coffee table, an oh so delicious orange queen anne chair (thanks to Syls and her mad skills on Craigslist), armour, dining room table and chairs, a super unique all leather foot stool that I just simply drooled over when I laid eyes on it. Travis still needs a dresser, but we have an idea in mind for that. Overall...this spells...blessed.

We do have some sad news though. We lost Travis' car. The old black Toyota Camry. It ran till it just couldn't give anymore. We shared soooo many funny and not so funny memories in that car. It will be missed. We have to put the power of prayer on this situation though. Travis needs a car now. :( We have faith that the Lord will work this out. We just have to trust in Him and remember that He is teaching us through each and every thing that happens to us. Pray for us!! We would appreciate it!

I am so excited to say that the wedding is a mere 12 days...yes 12 days away. I cannot forget the waiting that has taken place to arrive at this special time in our lives. 4 years....well actually in September it will be 5 years of dating. Waiting and dating.  We knew we wanted to marry soon after becoming an item. But we trusted in the Lord and he has brought us to where we are today.  And today what a wonderful day it was...Today is the day that we purchased our wedding license. How special!!

We have also picked our beautiful wedding bands. So special and meaningful. Looking forward to putting that on Trav's left ring finger. ;)

Wonderful time getting to stay with my parents these last couple of weeks as an unmarried woman. Their generosity and love astounds me every single day. Their faith is strong because they know that their Savior is strong and is faithful to deliver.

We are excited to see our friends very soon at the wedding. Get ready to dance the night away!!

Until then,